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Aetna Specialty Pharmacy: Services


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With Aetna Specialty Pharmacy, you get the specialty medicine and ongoing support you need

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy is Aetna’s in-house specialty pharmacy. It can fill your prescription specialty medicine. These types of drugs may be injected, infused or taken by mouth.

Complex specialty medicine may not be available at a local retail pharmacy. And it is not offered through Aetna’s mail-order pharmacy, Aetna Rx Home Delivery®.

Specialty medicine often needs special storage and handling. It must be delivered quickly. And a nurse or pharmacist should monitor you during your treatment.

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy offers all this and more.

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy helps you manage your drug and condition. You get a personal care plan and many helpful services, including:

  • Nurse and pharmacist support, by phone, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Coordination with your doctor to check that you receive the right drug and supplies.
  • Free, secure delivery within 48 hours of confirming your order, or later if you request.
  • Delivery to your home, doctor’s office or any other location you choose.
  • Package tracking to ensure prompt delivery of your order.
  • Self-injection training/education about your condition and medication, when needed.
  • Flexible payment options and help for out-of-pocket costs, when needed.
  • Free injection supplies, such as needles, syringes, alcohol swabs, adhesive bandages and Sharps containers for needle waste, if needed.

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