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Drug Safety

You'd be surprised how many professionals are looking out for health. 

Doctors, nurses, hospitals, government officials, health insurance companies - even business leaders -- are aware of the dangers caused by errors with your prescription drugs. Together, they are searching for better ways to keep these mistakes from happening.

You can be part of the solution by knowing the risks and how to avoid them.

Drug Search & Drug Interactions Tool
Search any drug name to learn more about a specific drug you are taking. Or use our Drug Interaction tool to see if two or more of the medications you take may present any health risks.

Avoid Medication Errors
Keep yourself safe by learning about types of mistakes, safeguards in the system, and follow steps to help prevent medication errors.

Pregnancy & Medications
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, learn how almost anything you consume - from medications to vitamins and supplements - may affect your baby.


Legal Notices

Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform
How does health care reform affect you & your family? We've mapped out what you need to know.
Healthy Living
Healthy Living