Life Needs Analyzer


Use the tool below to help determine how much life insurance you may need to protect your

Upon your death, how much money annually would your family need for immediate expenses; e.g., uninsured medical expenses, funeral expenses and for the cost of settling the estate?  
How much money annually would your family need for housing expenses to pay the mortgage or continue the rent?
Enter the total number of years =
How much would your children need annually to pay for their education?
How much would your family need annually to pay for all other installment debt (car loans/leases,credit cards, personal loans)?
Enter the total number of years =
How much money would they need annually to meet ongoing household expenses: food, utilities, day care, etc.?
Enter the total number of years =
List the amount of life insurance coverage you already have:


Based on your input, this is the additional amount of Life Insurance that you would need to protect your loved ones: 

This worksheet is not intended to take the place of professional advice from a qualified financial planner.

This coverage is underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company.


Legal Notices

Life and Disability benefits and insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.

See plan documents for a complete description of coverage.

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